Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Sustainable-Business-Models:
Sustainable Business Models , This book provides a rich overview and takes a closer look at the current state of theory and practice in the field of sustainable business models. The chapters in this book examine and analyze existing and new approaches towards sustainable business models and showcase the implementation of sustainable business through both quantitative and qualitative studies, including several case studies and many practical examples. It approaches these issues from the standpoints of diverse business disciplines to yield new insights and ideas that are relevant from both an academic and professional perspective. In its essence, the book examines how firms¿ value creation processes can be driven by sustainability and social responsibility and how this impacts business and society. Readers will find a range of sustainable business models that have been employed and are being pioneered in various industries around the globe ¿ which are thoroughly investigated and discussed, and put into a comprehensive conceptual framework. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 274.77 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Fostering Sustainable Business Models through Financial Markets , The aim of this volume is to foster more sustainable business models through financial markets. To that end, it is necessary to know the main global challenges facing financial markets and their impact on creating sustainable value in business models of enterprises in the context of sustainable adaptation. The book focuses on assessing the decision criteria adopted by financial markets in the process of transaction risk valuation, in terms of the presence of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria, and by assessing the impact of including these criteria in the risk assessment process by financial markets in business decisions, leading as a consequence to building new value in the form of a sustainable business model. The book presents global ESG risks facing the financial markets, and discusses how ESG risks are managed and monitored, and how financial markets can measure and operationalize extra-financial risks in its assessment process. The book alsoanalyses ESG risk implications and influences on company behavior, and the actions that companies should take considering the ESG assessment requirements of financial markets. Finally, it provides a comprehensive, structured, and systematic view of how financial markets and companies should adapt and improve their business models. The book provides unique challenges for investors, companies, financial markets, and for our society as a whole, advancing traditional risk management approaches to address global risks. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 84.51 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Emerging Ecosystem-Centric Business Models for Sustainable Value Creation , "This book explores emerging technology-enabled ecosystems and ecosystem-centric business models in theory and practice from a business and technological perspective"-- , >
Preis: 171.51 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Emerging Economic Models for Sustainable Businesses , The book discusses new and emerging economic models, that respond to 'Pulling' and 'Pushing' forces. Today we are poised at an interesting juncture, with favourable conditions making it easier to be a sustainable organization acting as a ¿Pulling¿ Force and the climate crisis, rise in social-economic equities thereby ¿Pushing¿ for urgent action. The book analyses economic models that look at value propositions, creation and capture with ¿People, Planet and Profit¿ deeply embedded in each stage of the value chain. The contributions bring out the interplay between new standards, evaluation frameworks, technology innovation and other emerging tools to show how they create a sustainable business. For this, they lean on learnings from successful sustainable businesses. Business leaders will find that this book provides deep insights on improving their existing sustainable practices, and speeding up the transition from linear to circular, narrow stakeholder drivento community driven. For prospective entrepreneurs the book provides the nudge needed to start up a sustainable enterprise. Students and researchers can benefit from real-life examples of how sustainable transformations unfold. The book thus creates an easy guide for those willing to make the transition to sustainability, start a sustainable business and most of all, to motivate those who may not yet be convinced about the long-term sense of taking care of our people and our earth. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 117.46 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Sustainable International Business , This is a unique book that adopts a global approach to studying international business. It stimulates research and rethinking among scholars and practitioners to understand how businesses operate internationally into lucrative markets, and their role in sustainable business growth, glocal value creation, and economic development. It provides insights into how international firms, entrepreneurs, family businesses, and other stakeholders balance the act of value creation and conducting sustainable and ethical business. The book covers economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainability such as poverty alleviation through FDI and remittances, diversity and inclusion in management, and ethical governance to value creation for stakeholders and profit maximization through sustainable firm growth, entrepreneurial initiatives, and sustainable business models. It addresses capacity building and the grand challenges that international business needs to develop solutions for. Thechapters offer multiple types of contributions including conceptual and theoretical works, literature reviews, and empirical (qualitative and quantitative) studies. The authors, and the topics included, provide a wide international representation and illustrate multi-layered sustainable business perspectives that cover developing, emerging, and developed country contexts as well as multiple directions of international business flows. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen
Preis: 125.70 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Sustainable Business Change , This volume aims to explore project management contributions to sustainable business change based on renewability, reuse, and repair as well as the effect of circular economy business solutions on project management in terms of the management approach, governance, and leadership. The main aim of integrating project management with a circular business paradigm is not only to learn how project management can contribute to achieving circular economy principles, but also to understand the impact of business needs on project management. By understanding these needs, recommendations can be developed and promoted among different stakeholders such as governments, financial institutions, and education institutions with the goal of supporting and assisting project management to drive sustainable business change. This approach will enable readers to assess how project management professions can support a shift toward sustainable business. The primary audience of this work is management scholars, educators, researchers, and students. Scholars, government representatives, financial institutions, management educators, start-up companies, innovative entrepreneurs, and all others who use the circular economy to support sustainable development can also find much of use in this book. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 125.70 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Sustainable Business Management , With the book the authors want to make a contribution towards discovering and developing the subject of sustainable business management. To do so, they initially put sustainable business management in its scientific context and then illuminate the areas of direct relevance for management. This includes the positioning within strategic management, the demands of sustainability on personnel management, innovation management, international management as well as operative environmental management. With a focus on corporate leadership, sustainability is discussed in the context of financial management and controlling, including the already existing instruments for implementing sustainability used by practitioners as well as legal requirements. Next, the reader learns how the value chain and marketing activities can be structured in a sustainable fashion. Finally an outlook on the possible future development of sustainable management is provided. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 39.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
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Sind die Agenturen Amaze Models und The Models seriös?
Es ist schwierig, die Seriosität einer Agentur anhand ihres Namens allein zu beurteilen. Es ist ratsam, weitere Recherchen anzustellen, um Informationen über die Erfahrungen anderer Models mit diesen Agenturen zu finden. Es kann auch hilfreich sein, nach Bewertungen oder Erfahrungsberichten im Internet zu suchen.
Sollten männliche Models genauso viel verdienen wie weibliche Models?
Ja, männliche Models sollten genauso viel verdienen wie weibliche Models. Die Bezahlung sollte unabhängig vom Geschlecht erfolgen und aufgrund von Faktoren wie Erfahrung, Bekanntheit und Arbeitsaufwand bestimmt werden. Geschlechtergerechte Bezahlung ist ein wichtiger Schritt zur Gleichstellung in der Modeindustrie.
Wie schummeln Models?
Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, wie Models schummeln können, um ihre Erscheinung zu verbessern. Einige gängige Methoden sind das Tragen von Push-up-BHs oder gepolsterten Unterwäsche, das Verwenden von Körper-Make-up oder Selbstbräunungsprodukten, um Unvollkommenheiten zu verbergen, oder das Retuschieren von Fotos, um einen perfekten Look zu erzielen. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass nicht alle Models schummeln und dass die meisten von ihnen auch harte Arbeit und eine gesunde Lebensweise haben, um in Form zu bleiben.
Was machen Models?
Models präsentieren Kleidung, Accessoires und andere Produkte auf Laufstegen, in Fotoshootings und Werbekampagnen. Sie arbeiten eng mit Designern, Fotografen und Stylisten zusammen, um das gewünschte Image und die Botschaft zu vermitteln. Models müssen in der Lage sein, verschiedene Posen einzunehmen, ihre Ausdrücke zu variieren und sich vor der Kamera wohl zu fühlen. Sie müssen auch fit und gesund sein, um den Anforderungen der Branche gerecht zu werden.
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Wie trainieren Models?
Wie trainieren Models? Models trainieren in der Regel mit einer Kombination aus Cardio-Übungen wie Laufen oder Radfahren, Krafttraining und Stretching. Sie legen großen Wert auf eine ausgewogene Ernährung, um ihren Körper fit und schlank zu halten. Viele Models arbeiten auch mit Personal Trainern zusammen, um maßgeschneiderte Trainingspläne zu erstellen, die ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen entsprechen. Zudem ist es für Models wichtig, regelmäßig zu trainieren, um ihren Körper in Topform zu halten und für Fotoshootings oder Laufstegshows bereit zu sein.
Hungern Victoria Secret Models?
Es gibt keine offizielle Bestätigung dafür, dass Victoria Secret Models hungern. Allerdings gibt es Berichte über strenge Diäten und intensives Training, um eine schlanke Figur zu erreichen. Es ist wichtig anzumerken, dass jeder Körper unterschiedlich ist und individuelle Bedürfnisse hat, daher ist es nicht fair, zu verallgemeinern, dass alle Victoria Secret Models hungern.
Was bedeutet "dm models"?
"dm models" ist eine Abkürzung für "direct message models" und bezieht sich auf Models, die über soziale Medien wie Instagram oder Twitter direkt gebucht werden können. Diese Models haben oft eine große Online-Präsenz und werden von Marken oder Agenturen kontaktiert, um für Werbekampagnen oder andere Projekte zu arbeiten.
Dürfen Models Preise haben?
Ja, Models dürfen Preise haben. Preise werden oft an Models vergeben, um ihre Leistungen und Erfolge in der Modebranche anzuerkennen. Diese Preise können zum Beispiel für ihre Schönheit, ihren Stil, ihre Arbeitsethik oder ihre Beitrag zur Modeindustrie verliehen werden.
Was sind Milano Models?
Milano Models sind Models, die in der Modestadt Mailand arbeiten und dort für renommierte Designer und Marken auf den Laufstegen und in Fotoshootings präsent sind. Sie zeichnen sich durch ihre Professionalität, Ausstrahlung und Schönheit aus und sind Teil der internationalen Modeindustrie. Milano Models repräsentieren die neuesten Modetrends und tragen dazu bei, Mailand als eine der wichtigsten Modemetropolen der Welt zu etablieren.