Produkt zum Begriff Giesselbach-Sven-Foundation-Models:
Key MBA Models
Key MBA Models is a one-stop-shop for all business course students and practicing managers. It contains the core management models from each business discipline – from Strategy and Finance to Marketing and Accounting – and distils them into concise summaries of what they are and how to apply them. Written by London Business School Professor Julian Birkinshaw, it covers the essential models that all business students and managers need to know. Themed around the course modules on an MBA, the 60+ models fall into the following categories: Strategy Business Economics Finance Decision Science Accounting Operations Marketing Organisational BehaviourThe term ‘model’ is used loosely – in some cases it might be a framework (The 4 Ps of Marketing, Porter’s Five Forces), in some cases it might be an important concept (open innovation or customer orientation), and in some cases it might be a technical model (the Capital Asset Pricing Model). Built on research with academics from the top international business schools, this book is an essential reference guide for every manager and MBA.
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Key Coaching Models
All managers and leaders are now expected to use coaching techniques to get the most out of their people. With 72 proven, easy to use coaching models to enhance performance, job satisfaction and motivation, they will be effective for individuals, teams and organisations. Each model is explained and illustrated, as it would be in a coaching session, to give a genuine coaching perspective and context beyond the theory. To help read and apply it quickly, each model has a figure or diagram and is broken into short, accessible sections: What is it? Where does it come from? When should I apply it? How do I apply it? Coaching tips The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 24.6 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Key Management Models
This best selling management book is a true classic. If you want to be a model manager, keep this new, even better 3rd edition close at hand.Key Management Models has the winning combination of brevity and clarity, giving you short, practical overviews of the top classic and cutting edge management models in an easy-to-use, ready reference format.Whether you want to remind yourself about models you’ve already come across, or want to find new ones, you’ll find yourself referring back to it again and again. It's the essential guide to all the management models you’ll ever need to know about. Includes the classic and essential management models from the previous 2 editions.Thoroughly updated to include cutting edge new models.Two-colour illustrations and case studies throughout.
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Key Management Development Models
‘A very practical, engaging guide to the essential tools which managers at all levels need to be effective themselves and to develop others. Highly recommended.’Stuart Chambers, former CEO of Pilkington plcKey Management Development Models gives you, at a glance, instant access to a full range of the best models available for developing your management skills and helping others to work and perform at their peak.For anyone seeking to develop their management skills it can be hard to know where to begin. Key Management Development Models explains the tools in detail – what they are and when and how to use them, with key practical tips. It’s like having your very own management development coach on hand explaining all the tools that you will ever need to know.EXPERT GUIDANCE FOR YOUR MANAGEMENT CAREER
Preis: 24.6 € | Versand*: 0 €
Models Deutschland
Heidi KlumToni GarrnClaudia SchifferNadja AuermannMehr Ergebnisse
Models von GNTM
Simone KowalskiHeidi KlumLarissa MaroltLena GerckeMehr Ergebnisse
Wie trainieren Models?
Wie trainieren Models? Models trainieren in der Regel mit einer Kombination aus Cardio-Übungen wie Laufen oder Radfahren, Krafttraining und Stretching. Sie legen großen Wert auf eine ausgewogene Ernährung, um ihren Körper fit und schlank zu halten. Viele Models arbeiten auch mit Personal Trainern zusammen, um maßgeschneiderte Trainingspläne zu erstellen, die ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen entsprechen. Zudem ist es für Models wichtig, regelmäßig zu trainieren, um ihren Körper in Topform zu halten und für Fotoshootings oder Laufstegshows bereit zu sein.
Was sind Lolita-Models?
Lolita-Models sind junge Mädchen, die sich in einem bestimmten Stil kleiden und posieren, der von der japanischen Lolita-Mode inspiriert ist. Diese Mode zeichnet sich durch mädchenhafte Kleidung, wie Rüschenkleider, Petticoats und Spitzenaccessoires, aus. Lolita-Models werden oft für Fotoshootings, Modenschauen oder Werbekampagnen engagiert, um den Stil zu präsentieren.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Giesselbach-Sven-Foundation-Models:
Visual Models for Software Requirements
Apply best practices for capturing, analyzing, and implementing software requirements through visual models—and deliver better results for your business. The authors—experts in eliciting and visualizing requirements—walk you through a simple but comprehensive language of visual models that has been used on hundreds of real-world, large-scale projects. Build your fluency with core concepts—and gain essential, scenario-based context and implementation advice—as you progress through each chapter. Transcend the limitations of text-based requirements data using visual models that more rigorously identify, capture, and validate requirements Get real-world guidance on best ways to use visual models—how and when, and ways to combine them for best project outcomes Practice the book’s concepts as you work through chapters Change your focus from writing a good requirement to ensuring a complete system
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Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models
This innovative book recognizes the need within the object-oriented community for a book that goes beyond the tools and techniques of the typical methodology book. In Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models, Martin Fowler focuses on the end result of object-oriented analysis and design—the models themselves. He shares with you his wealth of object modeling experience and his keen eye for identifying repeating problems and transforming them into reusable models. Analysis Patterns provides a catalogue of patterns that have emerged in a wide range of domains including trading, measurement, accounting and organizational relationships. Recognizing that conceptual patterns cannot exist in isolation, the author also presents a series of "support patterns" that discuss how to turn conceptual models into software that in turn fits into an architecture for a large information system. Included in each pattern is the reasoning behind their design, rules for when they should and should not be used, and tips for implementation. The examples presented in this book comprise a cookbook of useful models and insight into the skill of reuse that will improve analysis, modeling and implementation.
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25 Need-To-Know Management Models
Includes 10 handy dos and don’ts of using management models· Want new ways of looking at old problems?· Need a range of management decision-making tools at your fingertips?· Only want what you need to know, rather than reams of theory?With indispensible models that will help you make the most out of every business opportunity, this book tells you what you need to know, fast.
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Key MBA Models
Key MBA Models is a one-stop-shop for all business course students and practicing managers. It contains the core management models from each business discipline – from Strategy and Finance to Marketing and Accounting – and distils them into concise summaries of what they are and how to apply them. Written by London Business School Professor Julian Birkinshaw, it covers the essential models that all business students and managers need to know. Themed around the course modules on an MBA, the 60+ models fall into the following categories: Strategy Business Economics Finance Decision Science Accounting Operations Marketing Organisational Behaviour The term ‘model’ is used loosely – in some cases it might be a framework (The 4 Ps of Marketing, Porter’s Five Forces), in some cases it might be an important concept (open innovation or customer orientation), and in some cases it might be a technical model (the Capital Asset Pricing Model). Built on research with academics from the top international business schools, this book is an essential reference guide for every manager and MBA. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie können Models lernen, selbstbewusst und elegant über den Laufsteg zu schreiten?
Models können lernen, selbstbewusst über den Laufsteg zu schreiten, indem sie regelmäßig üben und ihre Körperhaltung verbessern. Sie sollten sich aufrecht halten, mit einem festen Blick nach vorne gehen und ihre Schritte bewusst setzen. Zudem ist es wichtig, sich in der eigenen Haut wohlzufühlen und sich selbst als einzigartig und schön anzuerkennen.
Was bedeutet "dm models"?
"dm models" ist eine Abkürzung für "direct message models" und bezieht sich auf Models, die über soziale Medien wie Instagram oder Twitter direkt gebucht werden können. Diese Models haben oft eine große Online-Präsenz und werden von Marken oder Agenturen kontaktiert, um für Werbekampagnen oder andere Projekte zu arbeiten.
Was zeichnet erfolgreiche Fashion-Models aus und wie beeinflussen sie die Modewelt?
Erfolgreiche Fashion-Models zeichnen sich durch ihre Ausstrahlung, Professionalität und Vielseitigkeit aus. Sie beeinflussen die Modewelt, indem sie Trends setzen, Designer inspirieren und Marken repräsentieren. Durch ihre Präsenz auf Laufstegen, in Magazinen und in sozialen Medien prägen sie das Bild von Schönheit und Stil.
Wie können Models auf dem Laufsteg ihre Persönlichkeit und Individualität zum Ausdruck bringen?
Models können ihre Persönlichkeit und Individualität auf dem Laufsteg durch ihre Körperhaltung, ihren Gang und ihre Ausdrucksweise zeigen. Sie können auch durch ihre Kleidung, Frisur und Make-up ihre persönlichen Vorlieben und Stil präsentieren. Zudem können sie durch ihre Ausstrahlung und Selbstbewusstsein ihre einzigartige Persönlichkeit zum Ausdruck bringen.
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